Our Cute Family

Our Cute Family
Our Little Family


Is it really Sunday already???

So I can't believe that it is Sunday already. The weeks here have really been flying by. It really seems like it was just yesterday that I was putting a post up on our blog about the past week, and here it is Sunday again and I need to update it again. So here we go...


Things with Kris have been going good this week. He started his new classes and he seems to be enjoying them. As we were eating dinner one night he said to me "I know this sounds weird but I haven't enjoyed school as much as I have enjoyed it here." I am so happy that he is liking his school!! He was so excited one night this week because there was a concept in BioChemisty that he has not understood from past classes at the U and he understood the concept this week and was so happy. He is doing so great! I am so grateful for him.


Every week that goes by I am surprised by the things Abi learns and starts to do. This week Abi has started to sit on her own with out any assistance from Kris and I. As I was sitting on the bed one night I propped up Abi in a laid back position next to me and the next time I looked over at her she had pulled her self up into and upright sitting position. SO FUN!!!

Also another fun thing Abi has started doing this week is noticing her feet. When we lay her on the floor she will kick up her feet and grab her toes and play with them. She has also found out that she can eat her toes. he he he So sweet.


So back to me. This week has been kinda a low key week. Nothing to great has happened and nothing to terrible either. I am still going to my work out classes and I think that is really helping me being here. It gives me something to look forward to.

I think the most eventful thing that has happened this week is that I am now an official Georgia resident. I went this week and got my Georgia's Drivers Licence. When I went to get it I thought that i would give myself a few hours to be there since this is what it was always like in Utah but when I went i was probably there for maybe a half an hour. When I went it was so nice because since I had Abi with me they helped me alot. Once I got my number I was called up within 10 minutes and then when I got all my paperwork I noticed that there was a huge line to get your pictures taken and I thought to myself okay this is where the wait will be but the guy that was helping me said I don't want you to have to wait in that line so just stand right here and I will have you go next. How nice was that?? I tell you there are some great benefits to taking a child with you places here in Georgia.

Oh one more fun thing that happened this week was when I went grocery shopping. My friend Eliza here in Georgia taught me how to use coupons. I have found out that coupons here in Georgia are a big deal. So when I went grocery shopping I spent $125.00 on food but only spent $39.91 how awesome is that??

Okay, I think that is all for this week. I hope all is well for you and we love and miss you all!!!

Here is a video of Kris making Abi laugh. Pretty cute little laugh she has!


Lori said...

i'm sooo needing to come up and have you and Eliza show me how to utilize coupons. man! that's awesome.

i can't believe you were only there for 30 minutes, rock on! it took Van seriously over 3 hours. next time we'll know to strap the baby on. :)

Katy said...

I love how often you blog now. And I cant beleive how big Abi is getting. Sheesh! She needs to stop growing. I love her adorable laugh though.. I miss you Em!

Eliza said...

We'll have to go to the store together one of these times and just blow the cashier away with our mad money saving skills :)

Jess said...

It Sounds like things are going pretty good for you there. I'm glad! Isn't being a mom the best thing in the whole world! I love it! You can be having a down day and then you hear your cute little baby laugh and it's all better!!

jill said...

I wish I was good with coupons, way to be. Glad Kris is liking school and you are doing well