Our Cute Family

Our Cute Family
Our Little Family


I Love Sundays!!!

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope your Sunday has been as great as mine. I decided that Sundays I will try and update our blog about the week we have had. This way if I make it a habit then I will do it. So things here in Georgia have been going quite we have had our challenges but we are growing with each challenge we face.

I was thinking about the blog and I thought that I would update you each week with what is going on with the three of us. So here we go.


Kris has been doing great in school, he is already finished with one of his classes and he has the final for this on Monday. The class that he is finishing up is pretty much just a communications class. Kris says "it is just a busy work class" which I think is true since he has had this class for 3 weeks and he has written 11 papers. Yuck!!! On Monday he starts two new class which are Biochemistry and Introduction to Pharmaceutical Science so he will have four classes. He seems to be liking school and has been doing great in all of his classes.

Also, another thing that is cool about Kris' school is that he got accepted to be an ambassador for Mercer collage. What this is is that he represents the schools at different functions and he will be able to interview incoming students who are applying to get into Mercer for Pharmacy. He is really excited to be an ambassador. We both think this will be something that will be great to have on his resume when he graduates. I am so grateful for Kris and everything that he is doing for our family! He is such a great dad to Abi and such a great husband to me. He is so sweet and caring and makes sure when he gets home from school to give me some time to get away and do things that help me.

Oh one more funny thing that happened to Kris while we have been here. So one of the first nights being here I noticed a huge cockroach above our window in our living room and you all know me and how i am with bugs I started freaking out telling Kris to kill it. So Kris being the brave man he is goes over to kill it with a napkin. Well to say the least the cockroach was not happy about this and flew and landed on Kris. The funny thing was Kris started freaking out yelling like a little girl and to say the least the next half an hour we were moving boxes around frantically trying to find where the cockroach went so we could kill it. Eventually who was the one to kill it? Me! I pretend to be brave but the reason i killled it was because we had cornered it behind a box and it ran toward my end and i started freaking out jumping on it yelling "I killed it I killed it" after a few jumps on top of it it finally died. What fun.. I have never heard Kris scream like that before but I guess on his mission the cockroaches would bite him there but we hear they don't bite here.


Abi is doing great as well. She is growing up so fast! I cant believe the things that she is now able to do. It seems like just yesterday when we were going to the hospital to have her. Can you believe that she is already four months old? I cant. She is such a joy in our lives. Kris and I laugh because there are times when we both feel depressed and who is the one to cheer us up? Yup Abi. She seems to know when we just need a smile or a laugh. Now a days with Abi she is rolling from side to side trying to reach things that mommy leaves on the floor, she is also laughing, reaching for things when we hold her and just today Kris saw her scooting her little body to get the diaper bag. I say "oh no she cant be doing that yet" She is so fun!


Okay I guess since i told you about them that i should tell you things about me but I really don't like to talk about myself but I guess I have to.. ha ha So things with me are going well. I am surprised at how well I have adjusted to being here in Atlanta. I know that it has been with help from my Heavenly Father. I cant believe that we have been here for over a month. I miss being in Utah but being here in Georgia has been an adventure so far.

So things that are new with me are that I got a new calling in our ward. I got called into the enrichment committee. This will be a way fun calling. I am excited because it will give me a chance to meet other women in the ward as well as planning parties which I love!
The other fun thing that I have been doing here is going over to Mercer and taking fitness classes. This has been such a great outlet for me and has been so nice of Kris to watch Abi for an hour or so in order for me to get away and feel better about myself. I am slowly watching the left over pounds from Abi melt off. So hopefully when you all see me at Christmas time I will be back to my old self. :D

Oh yes and last but not least I thought I would let you know of one of the fun challenges that we have had here. Thursday night when we were at Mercer working out someone hit our car and made a nice dent in the front of the hood. And to make it even better they didn't care to stick around and let us know so it was a hit and run. So our next fun thing we get to do is get that fixed. Joy joy. Other than this our time here in Georgia has been great. The only thing holding us back from really enjoying it here is our house still trying to sell back in Utah. This is a huge stress on us but we know that eventually it will go and I know Heavenly Father is aware of our situation and he will help us. It is in his time not ours.

Well I think I have wrote enough for today. I hope all is going well for you guys! We love you lots and miss you.

Here are some pictures...

Dent in the drivers side hood. Sweet huh??

Abi in her Sunnday Dress. So sweet.

Kris and Abi on the Train at Stone Mountain

Cute sundress!!

We were making cookies and Abi wanted to be with us so Kris put her up on the counter in her bumbo.

Yes that is flour on her nose, we got into a flour fight and Kris wanted to get Abi into it too.

Abi's cute little sandals.

Isn't she just sooo cute? I love her smile.

Abi making faces at the camera, she takes after her mom.

Abi sleeping in her bed. I thought it was funny how she had one hand up in the air.

Cute girl...

Mommy and Abi just chilling out.


Lori said...

Abi really is a super cute kiddo. Glad to hear your adjustment is going well out here. We're glad to have you!

Mer said...

What a cutie-pie Abi is. What a cute family too. The South is an unusual place. It took us a while to get used to it. If you guys ever feel like a road trip up North you are welcome here.

Hale Family said...

Thanks for the update! Sounds like everything is going well. I love your pictures of Abi, she is adoreable! You are already super skinny!

Eliza said...

I agree with Lori, we're very glad you guys are here!!

Kathie said...

Hi Emily & Kris, I can now read your blog again! It was so fun to see you and that beautiful Abi Jo! I Love you and miss you lots!

Rachel and Kevin West said...

Looks like you guys are having a great time out there. Abi is getting so big. Miss you guys!

Matt and Liz said...

Fun update. I'm sorry to hear about your car. Jerks. ;) You are looking good... I can see the pounds have melted away. That's awesome. Love you and miss you lots.