Our Cute Family

Our Cute Family
Our Little Family


Baby's Ultrasound Apointment

Sorry it has been a while since the last post. Life has been crazy at work but it has finally slowed down which is nice. Jr. Jazz and Ski are both running smoothly! YEAH!!

Kris and I were able to go to the doctors last Monday and see our little one. It was amazing to see the ultrasound and see all the baby's important parts. We were able to see the babies spine, brain, heart, hands, feet, lips, eyes, ears, ect. It was just amazing to me to see the baby.The baby is really healthy and growing really fast. I feel my tummy getting bigger every single day. I can't believe that i will be 20 weeks on Tuesday. I am half way there!!!
At this ultrasound we also were able to find out the sex of our little one! ITS A GIRL!!! Yeah we are both totally excited! Here are a couple pictures that we have of our beautiful baby girl!
Here is her head and arms and belly!
Here is her little bottom. :D How cute!
We are excited for our little girl. Right now we have two names that we really like, so now we just have to narrow it down. The two names are Abigail and Adeline. So she would be Abi or Addy. :D


So lets take guesses

So Kris and I were able to go to our Dr. Apointment last Friday and everything is well with our little one. At the end of our apointment the Doctor told us that at our next apointment we would find out the sex of our baby.So on December 8th we will know if it is a boy or a girl!! YEAH!!! We are both so excited!!!

So I just wanted to ask you all do you think it is going to be a little Kris

or a little Em?

Lets see who can guess the right one! :D


Happy Halloween

So I am a little late as far as posting Halloween pictures. But better late than never . On Halloween Kris and I were able to carve pumpkins, eat pizza and hand out candy to kids. We were a little disappointed that we only got like 30 kids to come to our house but that is okay. We were able to enjoy our scary movie "The Signs" a lot better. Here is a little dose of our pumpkins and our night. :D


Pretty Flower

So Kris and I decied that we were going to plant some flowers in our front yard. One of the flowers that we planted was a lily. Kris and I have enjoyed watching these flowers grow from a blulb. The other day we went outside and saw that one of them have bloomed. This is what it looks like isnt it pretty? I dont think I have ever seen one like this before! :D


Wintergreen 2008

This past week we had the chance to get away from the everyday life and go up with our family to Heber. This is something that we look forward to every year. We were able to do a lot of fun things this year up there. The two pictures below are of Monday. On this day we went to Park City and went on the alpine slide as well as the roller coaster. This was so much fun! Thanks so much mom and dad for taking us all.

Liz and I coming down the alpine slide.

Kris and Quenton getting ready to go on the roller coaster.

On Tuesday we were able to go to Deer Creek and water ski. This is something we look forward to every year! Thanks to Craig and Miss for making this possible for us!

Em Water skiing

Em taking a nice biff. If you fall you gotta fall with style.

Kris Water skiing.

On Wednesday we were able to go up to Smith and Moorehouse where Kris was able to do the thing that he loves, fishing! I forgot my camera on this outing so I don't have any pictures but it was pretty awesome. We were there for about 2 hours and Quenton caught his first fish on a river and Kris caught 4 fish with one that Kaylee helped bring in. I felt bad that I didnt have my camera on this outing but I guess you can imagine the joy on Quenton, Kris and Kaylee's faces.

On Thursday the girls all went to the Park City outlets and the boys took the kids to the swimming pool. This was a fun day for all.

I am so grateful for my family and the love that we all share. I couldn't be blessed with a better family than the one I am in. I am so sad when this week is over but I am glad to know that I have my family close by. We love you all!!!! Thanks for the great week!!!


Camping in the Unitas

This past weekend Kris and I were lucky enough to get away from work from Wednesday to Monday. During this time we were able to go to East fork of the Bear in the Unitas. We met up with Anna, Sean, Lynette, Brad, Angie, Davis and Tray. This was so fun to get together with high school friends.

During this time we were able to go fishing and go up to Whitney Lake. Kris loved the chance to fish every day. Kris and I together probably caught 15-20 fish. It was pretty fun. I have to say that Kris is the best fisherman I have ever seen. We all thought that it was pretty funny because every time that Kris went by the river he would come back with at least one or more fish. He is such a kid when it comes to fishing. To watch him catch fish is like a child opening up Christmas gifts on Christmas morning.

We had a fun time camping, it was so good to get back together with friends and to catch up with each other. Thanks guys for the fun weekend!!!

Kris' first fish caught on a fly rod!!!

Kris and I sitting around the camp fire.

My biggest fish I have ever caught!!

Right to Left: Lynette, Anna, Sean, & Brad

Kris and I by the Bear River!!


Camping in Payson

Last weekend we went camping up by Payson lakes with Katy and Michelle and husbands and kids. This was way fun. We were able to have tin foil dinners and have smores. There is a pretty funny thing that happened as we were sleeping. As always I am a little worried about animals outside our tent. As I woke up in the middle of the night I heard Kris say to me in a hushed voice "there is a bear outside our tent" I turned over to Kris and told him there was no bear and the next thing i know Kris is saying again "there is a bear outside our tent" so of course I couldn't get back to bed. About 30 minutes later I hear Kris again saying "there is a man outside our tent with a hatchet." I was getting so frustrated and so scared that I couldnt sleep anymore. I got back to bed for a little while and when i woke up in the morning i asked Kris why he kept saying there was a bear outside our tent and he could not remember saying anything to me. So I guess the whole time he was sleeping and to say the least I didn't sleep much that night. Other than this it was a pretty fun weekend. I have attached some pictures of this trip!
Friends around the camp fire: Left to Right, Steve, Katy, Cole, Neil, Kris and Em (Michelle behind camera)

Kris and I being funny makin breakfast

What a cute fisherman!!!!


New Blog

Hi all!!! So I also gave into the peer pressure of doing a blog. Maybe this way you all can be more informed of what is going on with the Harrop Clan. We are doing well. Kris is studying to take the PCAT in Aug. and then he will be applying for Pharmacy school around January. He will know where he gets into in May of 2009. Then he will tentatively start school in Fall of 2009.
I am still working at the Recreation Center doing alot of youth sports and fun stuff like that.
I hope this blog allows us to keep better in touch with you all!!!