Our Cute Family

Our Cute Family
Our Little Family


Camping in Payson

Last weekend we went camping up by Payson lakes with Katy and Michelle and husbands and kids. This was way fun. We were able to have tin foil dinners and have smores. There is a pretty funny thing that happened as we were sleeping. As always I am a little worried about animals outside our tent. As I woke up in the middle of the night I heard Kris say to me in a hushed voice "there is a bear outside our tent" I turned over to Kris and told him there was no bear and the next thing i know Kris is saying again "there is a bear outside our tent" so of course I couldn't get back to bed. About 30 minutes later I hear Kris again saying "there is a man outside our tent with a hatchet." I was getting so frustrated and so scared that I couldnt sleep anymore. I got back to bed for a little while and when i woke up in the morning i asked Kris why he kept saying there was a bear outside our tent and he could not remember saying anything to me. So I guess the whole time he was sleeping and to say the least I didn't sleep much that night. Other than this it was a pretty fun weekend. I have attached some pictures of this trip!
Friends around the camp fire: Left to Right, Steve, Katy, Cole, Neil, Kris and Em (Michelle behind camera)

Kris and I being funny makin breakfast

What a cute fisherman!!!!


CMTASK said...

It looks like a really pretty area! good job on your first real post! you will get addicted to this blogging stuff. It really is pretty fun.

The Emery's said...

Yay!! I'm so excited you finally have a blog! And camping with you and Kris was a blast! We'll definitely have to go again sometime.


Ammon and Tara said...

Hey Em! You two look great! It's been so long! So glad you invited me as a reader of your blog, now we can stay in touch better!