Our Cute Family

Our Cute Family
Our Little Family


Kinley Ann is Here!!!!

Kinley Ann arrived on June 3rd 2011 and we have been so blessed to have her as a part of our family! I have been wanting to sit down and write up the birth story for myself but for some reason two cute girls have been keeping me very busy. :D So now that both of them are sleeping at the same time I decided it was about time. So here we go...

On May 31st I went in for my 40 week check in and we decided at that appointment that if she hadn't deiced to come on her own by Friday that we would go ahead and induce me. I was not a huge fan of being induced again but I knew that my mom was going to be flying in on Thursday night to help and I really wanted her to be able to spend as much time as possible with Kinley.
As Thursday morning rolled around there was still no sign of Kinley coming any time soon, so as I went into the Dr.'s office again he told me that I would be called in Thursday night to get a bed and then they would start the induction at 5:30 a.m. Friday morning. So we waited that night for the phone call to go in but by 8 p.m. we still had not heard anything from the hospital. By that time my mom was here to help out with Abi if we were called into the hospital. So we went ahead and called the hospital to see if we could go in. As I called they told us that we could just come Friday morning, so I got to spend one more night in my own bed before going to the hospital. :D

Friday morning rolled around and we had my sweet friend Eliza take us into Northside Hospital at about 4 a.m. so we could start the induction around 5:30. As we got settled into our room and finished all the fun paperwork the nurse came in about 6 a.m. to start the IV and get the Petocin going. This is where all the fun (should I call it that?) starts.

At 6 a.m. the nurse came in and started to put the IV in my left arm. From the induction with Abi I knew that they had a hard time inserting the IV into my arm so I was already nervous about this, but silly me I watched her as she tried to put it in my arm. Can we say bad idea? As she went for the first stab my vein rolled on her so she had to try again. As I was watching her all of the sudden the room started to spin and I felt really nauseous. The next thing I remember is putting my arm above my head and tried to breath through the yucky feeling. I then remember the nurse and Kris saying "man she is turning green... Emily are you ok?" Luckily I was able to come back too and did not pass out all the way but man can I just say I HATE IV's!!! After she got the IV in on the second try she told us that she would give us a minute before she started to petocin so I could compose myself.

The Dr. then came in at about 7:30 to check on me and see how far I was dilated and to see if he could break my water. As he checked me I was dilated to a 2-3 and 80% effaced. Then as he went to break my water my cervix had retreated since the following day and so on the first attempt to break my water he was unsuccessful. He told us that he would be back in an hour to try it again. He then came back in around 8:30 and he was again unsuccessful at breaking my water so he came in again at 10 and third time was a charm! :D Can I just tell you how uncomfortable having your water break is?

After he broke my water the contractions started to kick up and get worse and worse. The Dr. then came back in at 11 to see how I was doing and I was at a 3 and 90-95% effaced. As the 12:00 hour rolled around the contractions were getting really hard and I was debating on when to get the epidural. Silly me I was so scared for some reason this time to get the epidural.. maybe one from all the horror stories about them and two I really wanted to see how far I could get with out one!! BAD IDEA EMILY, LISTEN TO YOUR MOM!!!! My mom and Kris kept telling me to do it, but I was to scared. But by 12:30 I gave into the pain and called in for the epidural. As the Dr. came in to give me it, it was 12:45 and I couldn't have been happier to see him.

As he put in the epidural in my back I just remember the contraction getting stronger and stronger and I couldn't wait until the epidural kicked in. I believe it was around 1:30 when he finished getting me all set and the nurse was getting me to lay on my side, I felt all of this pressure and told her that I felt like I needed to push. (Mind you the epidural man told me it would take 10 minutes to kick in and it had not been 10 minutes yet!!!) So in ran the Dr. and it was go time. And yes I was in PAIN!!!

So after three pushes, two for her head and one for her shoulders...(less than 10 minutes) my sweet little Kinley was born!!! What an awesome experience to have another child!!! She has already brought so much joy to our family!!

Kinley Ann Harrop was born at 1:54 weighing 7 lbs 9 oz. and 20 inches long and a full head of black hair!!! Here are a few pictures of our journey. :D

Outside of the hospital getting ready to go in.

Last Pregnancy photo!!

Kinleys first photo in this world!

I am a big sister!!! :D

Daddy holding Kinley for the 1st Time

Grandma holding Kinley for the 1st time.

Already holding tight to Daddy's Hand

I love my hands!!!

Look at my cute hair!!!

Abi meeting Kinley for the 1st Time

3 generations of girls!!!

Love the look on Grandmas Face!!! Tender.

Us with Dr. Ech

Checking her sucking skills. :D

Check it out... I got mommy's little toes.

Classic going home pix...

Kinleys First Bath at Home...