Our Cute Family

Our Cute Family
Our Little Family


So lets take guesses

So Kris and I were able to go to our Dr. Apointment last Friday and everything is well with our little one. At the end of our apointment the Doctor told us that at our next apointment we would find out the sex of our baby.So on December 8th we will know if it is a boy or a girl!! YEAH!!! We are both so excited!!!

So I just wanted to ask you all do you think it is going to be a little Kris

or a little Em?

Lets see who can guess the right one! :D


Happy Halloween

So I am a little late as far as posting Halloween pictures. But better late than never . On Halloween Kris and I were able to carve pumpkins, eat pizza and hand out candy to kids. We were a little disappointed that we only got like 30 kids to come to our house but that is okay. We were able to enjoy our scary movie "The Signs" a lot better. Here is a little dose of our pumpkins and our night. :D