Our Cute Family

Our Cute Family
Our Little Family


Quiet Time

So as I sit here alone in the dark with Abi sleeping and daddy off to study for a final tomorrow I got to thinking about the past posts I have done and how I have not taken the time to talk about life in general. Sometimes I tell yah it seems that the days and hours just fly by!!

Lately I have been thinking a lot about the responsibilities of being a mother. Since we have moved out here to GA I have had a lot of people ask me what I do all day since I don't have a full time job. I also had another person talk to me about her experiences when she had her first child and how awful it was to be at home all day with a child and she would never want to do that again. When she told me this I almost wanted to cry. How could someone think being at home with your child being AWFUL?

I just cant help but think how blessed I am to have a husband who values a stay at home mother and how blessed I am to be able to be at home with my darling sweetheart!!! I couldn't imagine not being home with her!!! Being able to be home with her has been such a joy for me. It has been so fun to watch Abi grow and learn new things. I tell you its the little things that she does that can brighten my darkest days. :D I understand that there are situations where mothers are not able to be in the home all day but I just couldn't understand how someone could truly feel like it was AWFUL to be home. It was hard for me when she told me this because all I could say back to her is that I have loved every minute of being at home with my daughter. Yes, I admit there are times where my strings are very thin and I need a break and some fresh air but I wouldn't change being home with her for the world!!!! I love you so much Abi and thank you for being my joy and my little sunshine. :D

Here are some recent pix and videos for you.... Thanks for reading my thoughts......

Daddy put my diaper cover on my head!

Donno what it is about this picture but I love it!!!

Here is a great picture of Abi's smile!! :D

Look what the Easter bunny brought to our house early!!

Abi liked it! :D

Messy face but hey she is happy!

Mommy and Abi just hanging out. Daddy got both of us to smile.

So I have to tell a story about the next picture and video. So our church is from 10-1 which is right when Abi's morning nap is so Sundays have become hard days for us. Well on the way home from church Abi will usually fall asleep in the car which is fine but since we get home at 1 she hasn't eaten lunch yet. So the picture below is after Kris had taken her out of her car seat and put her in her boster seat to eat but in the meantime Abi is still FAST asleep. The video below will show what happened next. :D Enjoy!

Last Video is of her laughing at daddy dropping his sock on my head. I have to admit her laugh just cracks me up whenever I hear it. :D


Eliza said...

I'm with you, I feel unbelievably blessed to be a stay at home mother! When we first moved to Georgia the mailman even told me that I should work a part-time job even if the money I earned didn't completely cover the cost of daycare for the boys... and I was like what the what?!? The world doesn't understand the value of the stay at home mother or the intact family in general, for that matter. Abi is one lucky girl to have you as a mother.

And I think I would have cried just as hard as Abi if someone had tried to wake me up like that :P But oh her giggles make my heart smile!

Keep on blogging your thoughts and feelings, friend, I love it!

The Emery's said...

Those videos are so cute. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I think she looks more and more like you. She definitely has Cutler in her. And I couldn't agree with you more. Being able to stay at home is one of the biggest blessings of my life. There may be hard times like you said, but there's nothing like being able to be there for your kids each step of the way and Abi will be so much better off because of you being with her.

I saw your parents yesterday at Nett's baby blessing. We missed you!! Your mom and I just wanted to cry. (well actually your mom did cry. :) ) It's hard to be in a place where we know you are supposed to be but aren't. Miss you guys!

Angelina said...

I can see so much of you in Abi! I know what you mean about being a stay-at-home mommy. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I saw your parent's yesterday at Haley Hunt's baby blessing. (Lynette's baby) I kept thinking about you and how much we've all changed but are still the same. I love that we can read each other's blogs and still keep in touch!

Jill said...

Awful? What!?! Difficult at times; hard to know if you're doing all the right things to be a good mom at times; need some fresh air and fresh ideas at times... but awful?? Wow. I'm glad you were able to honestly say to this woman how blessed you feel to be a SAHM.

I confess I've been hard on myself in different ways, but never have I regretted being a SAHM. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

Darling pics. Your baby girl is sooo dang cute!

Tommy + Monica said...

Oh my heck! Her laugh is so stinking cute! LOVE it!

Scarlett said...

How sad is that? Being home with Kassi is the best blessing, ever! Is it hard at times? Of course, but I wouldn't trade it for anything!