Our Cute Family

Our Cute Family
Our Little Family


She just took steps!!!

Abi just took 5 steps all by herself and we actually caught a video of it. (make that 12 as daddy is still playing with her) :D As Abi and I were playing this morning I scooted away from her to see what she would do and low and behold she took two steps toward me all by herself. So I called Kris and he was able to come home for lunch and see her and we were able to catch the second time she did it on tape. Here it is!!! Our Little Girl is Growing Up!!!


Hale Family said...

SO CUTE!!! I can't believe she is almost 1!! Crazy!

Eliza said...

I love her little smirk smile at the end almost like she's saying, 'yeah, I knew I could do it!'

Go Abi, go!!

Jill said...

Hooray for Abi, what a big girl!! I love the expressions. It is priceless seeing their eyes when it is something new. Oh so fun!

Can we set up a playdate in the near future? I know it sounds like I'm inviting myself over, but I'd like to visit you and Eliza soon...

Jess said...

That is so cute!!! Early walker huh? so cool!! ... Yet scary at the same time, now she'll be into EVERYTHING lol. She is so stinking cute!

Tommy + Monica said...

so cute! I love the look of concentration on her face! way cute!

Katy said...

walking already? Oh wow! how did she grow up so fast? I wish I could see how big she was in person! I miss your little family!

Lesley said...

Em, Completely agree with you about the stay at home mommy thing! I feel very priveledged that I am a stay at home mom, too. You said it perfectly and you shouldn't ever feel that you need to justify your choice to anyone that does understand. There is nothing more admirable than a mom that is always there for her children :-)