Our Cute Family

Our Cute Family
Our Little Family


Fun Pictures and Movies

We put my hat on Abi and Kris thought she looked like Elmer Fud so we had to take some pictures.

Kris has a couple pictures of him holding Sophie and Sarah (nieces) this way so he thought he would continue the tradition. I am not to sure Abi was happy about it.

Abi and Mom hanging out.

Abi after she just woke up in the morning. Lately Abi has been sleeping on her tummy and I am not sure if you can tell or not but on her face there are imprints of something she slept on.

Better picture of the imprints...

Abi had a friend come over the other day and she was seriously tackling him. I thought it was really funny. She knows how to stand up for herself so when we come back to Utah she will be ready to go!

Abi LOVES apples!!! This video is pretty dark but it is funny.

Abi loves to play this game with Daddy. This video is also dark so I am not sure if you will be able to see her cute smile but i thought I would try. Also sorry the video is on its side. I cant figure out how to fix it.


Scarlett said...

Oh my gosh! She is so freakin cute! Love the "Elmer Fudd" pics!

~Conradis~ said...

She is getting so big, those eyes are to die for!!!

Matt and Liz said...

She does look like Elmer Fudd! Very cute! She is growing up way too fast. Tell her to stop. Very cute.