Our Cute Family

Our Cute Family
Our Little Family


Another picture week...

So this week has flown by once again. Not really any stories to share this week. So here are a few pictures of the week so keep you updated.

Abi falling asleep, it is funny how limp she gets right before she falls asleep.

Abi is always so intrested in paper, so the other day Kris gave her an old magazine to play with and she had such a fun time ripping it to shreds. Long story short, it kept her busy for a while.

We thought we would try putting Abi's Haloween costume on and we couldnt resit getting a couple pictures. It is a little big on her so we will be doing some adjustments for halloween.

Abi and Dad next to a pony. Kris is doing some service learning hours at a horse ranch. So Abi and I decied to go with him on Saturday. It was fun to see all the pretty horses. Kris is really enjoing this program. He is becomming quite the good horse keeper. The people at the ranch let Kris go and get the horses out of thier stalls and then put them away. He has had alot of fun doing this.

Abi and I decied to lay down during the day when daddy was doing some homework and daddy said he turned around to talk to us and we were both sound asleep. :D Guess we were both more tired than we thought.


jill said...

is that a really tiny horse or is kris just super tall :) glad to see everything is well!

Lesley said...

super cute pics! love her halloween costume!

Matt and Liz said...

I love her cute Halloween costume! She's adorable. I can't wait to see her at Christmas. Carter asked about you today. He asked if you were going to move back into your condo yet. When I told him you'd sold it, well, I'll just say he was sad. You are missed by us all!

Lori said...

two things: reagan and jaylee had the SAME halloween outfit when they were babies!!! :)

second, awww seriously those type of naps on the couch are the one thing i miss SO much from having a baby. lap it up!