Our Cute Family

Our Cute Family
Our Little Family


Wow it has been a very Long Time!!!

I have come back to blogger with the intent of using it as a journal to remember things that have happened in my life. I am not sure if anyone out in the blogger world still follows this and if you do, bless your heart! I have found that using the paper writing takes me so much time and by the time I am done my hand really hurts. So here I am back to using the good old blog.

Things in our life are going quite swell. Kris has now graduated from Mercer and is now working a full time floating position here in Atlanta at Publix. He is working a lot of hours which has been a change for us which brings me to my next point. We have graduated from being a one car family. YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! I truly don't know how I would be able to handle being home without a car with the hours he now works.  I never thought I could own a mini van but after looking at all the cars. The best fit for us at this time was a Van and ever since we purchased it I have LOVED it.  I am now the proud owner of a mini van. :)

Abi is now 4 and is my little friend. She and I will just sit and talk. She keeps me company on the days where Kris works long hours.  She is currently staying home with me. Preschool here is a ton of money and I didn't feel like she really needed to go.  I figured what they do at school I can cover at home. We do some homework here and there but mainly we just play a lot. It has been nice not to have a solid school schedule this year. I have hopes of doing a few more trips before she starts school next year. Abi is my little music star. She has a real talent of picking up any song by just hearing it once or twice. I am amazed when she starts singing songs that I know she has only heard once. I am excited to watch this talent develop. She is also such a great helper with her brother and sister. I can already see her motherly traits being developed.
I have also just signed Abi up for a Dance/Gymnastics class and I am excited to see her in this. It is so nice to have a second car to make these things possible.

Kinley is now 2 and I call her my little firecracker. She has such the strong spirit. She is not afraid of much, which is totally opposite of her big sister. Kinley loves to be the center of attention and isn't afraid to make friends. I think sometimes she may come on a little strong to some shy kids. :D She also loves to sing with her big sister. The new events for Kin's lately has been she is now fully potty trained (which I LOVE). She pretty much potty trained herself. I went on a trip to Utah to see family and when I came back she had already been going potty by herself. I remember taking a trip to Savannah the week before my trip to Utah and she would want to go potty every time Abi did and she would actually stay dry until the next potty break.
Kins has also just started talking a lot more. She now makes full sentences and I laugh when she says things I say. Like today she said to Abi. "I am not very happy with you." :D
Kinley also just got singed up for a Gymnastic class. I hope that she will do well with it and that she will be able to follow her teachers and not be scared.

My little man Zach is 7 months old. He is now crawling and into Everything!!  He is currently cutting his top two teeth and is drooling every where. He is such a calm little baby and is so sweet. He is happy in almost any situation that I have put him in. He also will lay down wide awake when it is time for his naps and fall asleep on his own. I don't remember if either of my girls did this but it is so helpful that Zach does it. He is such a sweet little guy and I find myself putting off things that need to be done in the house just so I can sit and cuddle him. But honestly I would much rather be spending time watching my kids grow then be cleaning all day and miss what they do.

I am so lucky to have such beautiful children and I hope I can be a mother just like mine in whom my children feel they can fully rely on and feel like I am one of their best friends.

As for the next coming months I hope to see Kris start at his own store so we can relocate and feel like we are going to be there for a little while. With Kris floating I have found myself pulling back a little from the ward. Now that we are in the Perkins home it takes quite a while to get places in the ward and I have just been in my little zone. My true hopes are that by the first of 2014 we will be in a new home and maybe be able to feel a little more settled. Anyways, a little bit of rambling but that is the update for now. I hope to be able to blog about things at least once a week. Here's hoping right? ;)

1 comment:

Eliza said...

How fun to see an update! And a big hooray for second cars :-)