Our Cute Family

Our Cute Family
Our Little Family


Christmas Vacation

We were able to go home to Utah for Christmas! This was such a fun time for us to be able to visit with Family and a few Friends. Thanks for everything Family and for being SO AMAZING! I am blessed to be in such a wonderful family as well as in law family. I could not ask for anything more. It is times like these that when we are away we truly realize how blessed we are.

Thanks mom and dad for letting us stay with you and for making us feel SO COMFORTABLE! My mom and dad were so sweet to think of everything we would possibly need or want, from taking a lot of time to paint the guest bedroom in my favorite color Yellow.. to buying a new bed for us to sleep in (yes I am still thinking about how soft the blankets on that bed were).. to having our favorite food stocked in the pantry... to having hand sanitizer every where. :D Thank you Mom and Dad SOOO much! It truly made our trip great!

Here are just a few of the many pictures of this trip...

One of my most favorite pictures! Abi and Grandpa Cutler!!

Lunch at Chuck-A-Ram-A with the Harrops

Abi enjoying her meal at Grandma Cutler's

Em on Santa's Lap at the Barker Family Party.

Most of the Harrop Side Grand-Kids.

Sophie, Sara and Abi

1st Try on Santa's Lap at the Clegg Party.

2nd Try on Santas Lap at the Barker Party... Not any better...

Carter, Hallie and Abi playing in Grandma Cutlers make believe house.

Kris being a sweet man and shoveling the walks for my parents.

Abi enjoying her first candy cane at the Clegg Family Party.

Liz, Kris, Abi, Tyson and Melissa waiting for Santa to come at the Clegg Party.

JJ and Abi playing with toys from Cousins.

Aunt Em and Grace. :D

Cousins hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa Cutlers house.

Jonny and Abi already playing together. They are going to be good friends.

Grandpa Harrop and Abi just looking at each other.

Now Grandpa Cutler and Abi looking at each other. She always just wanted to take everything in.

I am so glad that we were able to go to Utah and see family. When I go to Utah I realize how much my family means to me. They do so much for my little family and I am so blessed to have such great sisters who do so much for me!! I miss you all and look forward to the time we can come back and visit or when you can come see us here.

One of the most sweet things happened as we were preparing to leave. I was holding Hallie to take her out to the car she turned to me and looked me in the eye and said something to me. I made her say it 2 or 3 times because I could not understand what she was trying so hard to tell me. So I turned to Liz her mom and asked what is she saying? As she told her mom her mom translated to me that she said "Em dont go to Georgia." I have to say after that I lost control of my tears. What a sweet thing for me to hear from my niece. I love you Hallie (my little princess) !!!

Now we can start the count down till we see you all again! I love you all so much and THANKYOU for being such a wonderful family!!


Lori said...

i'm glad you had such a great trip. but i'm equally as glad that you're BACK!!!

Eliza said...

I'm glad you're back too but sooo happy you had the chance to spend such a wonderful time of the year with the ones you love the very most.

...and the pictures of Abi terrified of Santa, classic!

~Conradis~ said...

She is getting so big, I love that little Santa outfit too!

Jess said...

Sounds like you had a fun Christmas trip. That's awesome. I can't believe how fast our little girls are growing up. Crazy huh? Abi is soooo cute!

Matt and Liz said...

Hallie just said what we were all thinking! ;) Love ya and miss you a lot Em. I'm hoping to come see you sooner than later! Cute pictures!

Scarlett said...

Way cute pics! Was so great to see you at the Christmas Party! Abi is adorable!

The Emery's said...

I know I only got to see you guys for a half hour or so but it was SO much fun!! Man it's hard having you gone! I miss you guys like crazy!! It looks like you had a blast while you were here. Abi is so so cute and her being scared of Santa is so cute. It actually makes me feel a little better too. This is the first year that Cole would actually sit on his lap without crying. So when do we get to see you again??